Aus dem Netz

Für die deutsche Journalistin Tolu war es eine Überraschung, doch nun ist sie glücklich über ihre Freiheit nach sieben Monaten in türkischer Haft. Sie war am Abend freigelassen worden. Zuvor musste sie noch Stunden wegen widersprüchlicher Anweisungen auf einer Polizeiwache zubringen.

Nach sieben Monaten im Gefängnis hat sich die deutsche Journalistin und Übersetzerin Mesale Tolu erleichtert über Freilassung am Abend gezeigt.

Für den Fall einer ÖVP-FPÖ-Regierung haben die Koalitionsverhandler weitere Verschärfungen beim Umgang mit Asylwerbern angekündigt. Insbesondere sollen Abschiebungen forciert werden: ein Plan, der wohl noch mehr Härtefälle produzieren dürfte, als sie die Abschiebepraxis schon jetzt mitprägen, wie drei aktuelle Beispiele zeigen. (...)

Ein Interview mit dem mauretanischen Menschenrechtsaktivisten Biram Dah Abeid:

Seit 36 Jahren ist Sklaverei in Mauretanien offiziell verboten. Seit 2007 gibt es ein zusätzliches Gesetz, laut dem Sklavenhalter gerichtlich verfolgt werden. Welche Formen von Sklaverei existieren trotzdem noch?

A delegation of religious figures from the Gulf kingdom of Bahrain arrived in Israel this week “in order to send a message of peace,” in an extremely rare instance of representatives from an Arab country without diplomatic relations visiting the Jewish state.

The trip seemed to signal a further warming of ties between Israel and Bahrain, which a report earlier this year said are on a path to normalizing diplomatic relations.

In Ostgriechenland gilt für Muslime die Sharia. Ein Unikum in Europa:

In this sliver of land on the border with Turkey, about 100,000 Greek citizens live with a relic of Greece’s historically fraught relations with its neighbor: Shariah law.

In Western Thrace, Shariah law is enforced for Muslim citizens, making Greece the world’s only non-Muslim country that officially applies laws grounded in the Islamic faith.

Footage released by CNN shows men being sold at an auction in Libya.

The footage shows an auctioneer standing in front of a group of young men, shouting: “Big strong boys for farm work. 400? 700? 800?”

CNN traveled to Libya to verify the authenticity of the footage. There, they secretly filmed an auction outside the Libyan capital of Tripoli.

Referred to as “merchandise,” the men being sold into slavery were migrants and refugees. Twelve Nigerian men were sold at the auction.

Die taz hat Abdulaziz Alhamza von der Organisation "Raqqa is being slaughtered silently" über die Lage in Raqqa interviewt:

taz: Herr Alhamza, gut drei Jahre hat das vom „Islamischen Staat“ ausgerufene Kalifat überdauert. Im Oktober haben die Syrischen Demokratischen Kräfte (SDF), ein Bündnis aus kurdischen, sunnitisch-arabischen und assyrischen Milizen, das zur IS-Hauptstadt deklarierte syrische Rakka zurück erobert. Ist Rakka jetzt frei?

Manchmal reicht es, einfach Nein zu sagen:

Many pilots in Germany are refusing to participate in deportations, local media reported on Monday.

Israel has sent a pointed signal to the Assad regime and Iran — and to the regime’s other essential ally Russia — with a missile strike on a military base near al-Qiswa, about 13 km (8 miles) southwest of Syria’s capital Damascus.

Unconfirmed claims said that Iranian and Iranian-led militiamen were among casualties of the strike, with assertions that five missiles. Syrian state media said its air defenses intercepted at least two Israeli missiles fired at a government “military position” in Damascus province, but that the attack still caused damage.

Gute Neuigkeiten aus Bagdad:

A proposal in Iraq's parliament to lower the minimum age for Muslim girls to marry to nine years old has been withdrawn, the British embassy in Baghdad said.

The amendment stirred outrage among critics who viewed it as a licence "to rape children".

Die Situation im größten Flüchtlingslager in Lesbos verschlechtert sich zusehends. Eine Bericht:

There are a total of near 8,500 refugees in Lesvos, which has been taking the greater number of refugees among the Greek islands. More than 6,000 have to reside in Moria, which has a capacity for only a bit over than 2,000.

The refugees complain that there are no proper toilets or bathrooms. They are filthy, says Syrian refugee Hassan Aloulou.

Eine eneue Fatwa aus Saudi Arabien:

The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Al Sheikh, issued a surprising religious ruling, saying that fighting against Israel was inappropriate and that Hamas is a “terror organization.”

Aus der Haaretz:

While speaking to CNN, Rushdie claimed he believes the tide is turning against Islamic fanaticism; it's still a cancer within Islam, but it's "having a bad time right now, and that's good for all of us."

Rushdie noted that while he believed the miltiary defeat of ISIS was inevitable as that militants "made for bad soldiers," he argued that the defeat of their ideology will take far longer, although it is currently underway.