Montag, 01.01.2018 / 13:22 Uhr

Was unterscheidet die neuen Proteste im Iran von denen im Jahr 2009?

Diese Frage geht Heshmat Alavi  nach, dessen Twitter Account auch eine empfehlenswerte Quelle ist:

These rallies are in sharp contrast to the 2009 episode where former US president Barack Obama refused to support the massive demands for sweeping change.(...)

Today, however, beginning with economic demands as people are reaching the very limits of their tolerance, demonstrators are seeking economic necessities and escalating their expectations to fundamental regime change. (...)

Protesters are seen chanting, “Death to Khamenei,” in a clear reference to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and targeting the very pillars of this regime.

Slogans are showing popular resentment giving way to escalating rage, exposing the regime’s vulnerability far beyond the scope of many Western analysts’ prior arguments. (...)

This shows the scope of the people’s abhorrence of the ruling state’s policies, as Tehran allocates billions of dollars in revenue from oil and gas exports to belligerence abroad, including propping the Assad regime in Syria, the Lebanese Hezbollah, Shiite militias in Iraq and the Houthis of Yemen.

Witnessing no change in their basic living standards following the nuclear deal highly boasted by the Obama administration with Iran, people across the country are showing their demands must receive the regime’s acknowledging.