Dienstag, 05.07.2022 / 09:57 Uhr

Palästinensische Behörden foltern systematisch

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Human Rights Watch, eine Organisation der ein proisraelischer Bias ganz sicher kaum vorgeworfen werden kann, hat gerade einen Bericht veröffentlicht, in dem der PNA die systematische Anwendung von Folter politischer Gegner in der Westbank vorgeworfen wird. Gleiches gälte auch für die Hamas im Gazastreifen:

 Palestinian authorities are systematically mistreating and torturing Palestinians in detention, including critics and opponents, Human Rights Watch said today in a parallel report submitted jointly to the United Nations Committee Against Torture with the Palestinian rights group Lawyers for Justice. Torture, both by the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and Hamas authorities in Gaza, may amount to crimes against humanity, given its systematic nature over many years. (...)

“More than a year after beating to death Nizar Banat, the Palestinian Authority continues to arrest and torture critics and opponents,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “Systematic abuse by the PA and Hamas forms a critical part of the repression of the Palestinian people.”

In light of this pattern of abuse, other countries should cut assistance to abusive Palestinian security forces, including the PA police who played a central part in recent repression. The International Criminal Court’s Office of the Prosecutor should investigate and prosecute people credibly implicated in these grave abuses.