Dienstag, 28.06.2022 / 13:46 Uhr

Blick zurück: Wenig Interesse bei arabischer Jugend für israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt

Aus dem Jungle-Nahostblog von vor zehn Jahren:

Einer neueren Umfrage zufolge interessiert sich die arabische Jugend herzlich wenig um den israelisch-palaestinensischen Konflikt und weit mehr um Belange, die sie auch wirklich etwas angeht.  Lediglich im “moderaten” Saudi Arabien sieht es etwas anders aus:

Earning a fair wage and owning a home are now the two highest priorities for young people in the Middle East, displacing “living in a democracy” as the greatest aspiration of regional youth, according to the findings of the latest ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey, the largest study of its kind of the region’s largest demographic group. 

 The survey, which polled 2,500 Arabs aged 18 to 24 in 12 Middle Eastern states one year after the start of the Arab Spring, highlighted how larger political concerns have been superseded by more personal, economic anxieties.

 Being paid a fair wage was not only the highest collective priority among those surveyed – with 82 per cent of all those surveyed citing it as “very important” – but was also the highest individual priority in each of the 12 countries covered.

 Asked “What do you believe is the biggest obstacle facing the Middle East?” very few respondents in almost all surveyed countries, apart from Saudi Arabia, said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was the biggest obstacle. The number was lowest in Egypt, with only 10% saying the conflict was the region’s biggest obstacle. The number was also low in most of the Gulf emirates. However, in Saudi Arabia 53% said the conflict was a major obstacle in the region.

The poll showed that civil unrest and lack of democracy far outstripped the Israel-Palestinian conflict as a concern in most Arab countries. While not overly optimistic that the Arab Spring would spread to further Arab countries, many respondents said that if it did, it would spread to Jordan.

The survey also found that the number of respondents who felt that living in a democratic country was “very important” to them had declined from 68% in the 2011 survey to 58% this year.