Mittwoch, 30.12.2020 / 20:29 Uhr

Libanon: Auf dem Weg zur Hölle

Der libanesische Journalist Kareem Chehayeb fasst zusammen, wie dieses Jahr für die Menschen im Libanon war und findet die treffend drastischen Worte für die Lage:

Lebanon entered 2020 daring to dream of a reclaimed country. After demonstrations broke out in October 2019, there was hope for a countrywide uprising uniting hundreds of thousands of people sharing frustration and rage toward the shaky economy and corrupt ruling class. But that hope soon turned into despair.

Faced with the covid-19 pandemic, debilitating lockdowns amid a collapsing economy, and the horrific August explosion at the port in Beirut which left parts of the country’s capital in ruins and hundreds dead, Lebanon is in free fall; its own president said it could be on the road to hell.

It’s a ghastly dystopia — even its billboards during the holiday season show it.