Montag, 14.12.2020 / 21:50 Uhr

Kameel Ahmady im Iran zu acht Jahren Haft verurteilt

Weitere schlechte Neuigkeiten aus dem Iran:

Iran sentenced a British-Iranian anthropologist who has studied child marriage and female genital mutilation to nine years in jail and fined him over $700,000 in cash, the semiofficial Tasnim news agency reported Sunday.

The report said Kameel Ahmady was sentenced by Iran’s Revolutionary Court on charges of cooperation with European embassies in support of promoting homosexuality, visiting Israel as a reporter for the BBC, cooperation and communication with foreign and hostile media, infiltration aimed at changing the law, and sending false reports about the country to the U.N.’s special rapporteur on human rights in Iran.

The report said Ahmady has the right to appeal within 20 days.

In October 2019, Iran acknowledged Ahmady’s arrest for suspected links to institutes affiliated with foreign intelligence services.

His wife Shafagh Rahmani and activists had announced he was detained in August that same year. At the time, the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran said Ahmady previously had been the target of hard-liners in Iranian media for his work “on politically sensitive topics including child marriage, LGBTQ issues and female genital mutilation.”