Beiträge von Aus dem Netz

Donnerstag, 11.07.2019 / 21:40 Uhr

Israelisch-irakische Avancen

"That Israel and the Sunni-Arab Gulf states cooperate closely is the Middle East’s worst-kept secret. Despite the absence of formal diplomatic relations, everybody knows Jerusalem has clandestine yet robust ties with Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Manama and other capitals in the region, due to shared concerns about an increasingly belligerent Iran.

Freitag, 05.07.2019 / 13:31 Uhr

Moderne Helden

Two activists, Majid and Ahlam, worked to save dozens of LGBT people from persecution in Iraq, but without going into their rescue work with that exact goal in mind. According to Feder, their first rescue brought three men from behind the lines. It wasn’t until two of them kissed after the rescue that Majid, their getaway driver, found out they were gay.