Sonntag, 30.06.2019 / 15:15 Uhr

Neue Massenproteste im Sudan

Im Sudan protestieren Menschen erneut gegen das herrschende Militär:

Despite the threat of violence, protesters from around Sudan converged in the capital Khartoum for a Sunday rally, less than a month after a deadly military crackdown on protesters. 

Sudan’s ruling military council on Saturday warned against a “million-person march” calling for a civilian government, claiming the opposition will be responsible for any deaths. 

Witnesses told AFP news agency  that Sudanese forces used tear gas against demonstrators in the Khartoum districts of Bari, Mamura and Arkweit, as well as in the eastern town of Gadaref, as protesters chanted "Civilian rule! Civilian rule!".

The protests mark a resurgence in street protests that had been quelled by the crackdown and could force a decisive showdown between protesters and the military council, despite ongoing joint African Union (AU) and Ethiopian mediation efforts to bridge the gap between the two sides. 

A Sudanese military official told Middle East Eye, on condition of anonymity, that government forces were planning to disperse Sunday’s march, the largest since a two-month sit-in outside the military headquarters was dispersed on 3 June. 

The military official said the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary - blamed for the crackdown that killed at least 128 people in June, according to doctors - as well as the army and police will be deployed on the streets of Khartoum on Saturday night. 

“The military council has no path other than going further with the use of violence regarding these protests of 30 June and they have actually begun preparing for that, actually.”