Beiträge von Aus dem Netz

Mittwoch, 06.11.2019 / 19:03 Uhr

"Mörder von der Hamas"

Im Gaza hat es erneut Proteste gegen die Hamas gegeben:

A rare public anti-Hamas protest took place in Gaza following the death of a 28-year-old man who’d been thrown from the window of his own home by the terror group’s security services. (...) with the participants chanting: “Hamas are murderers.”


Sonntag, 03.11.2019 / 11:23 Uhr

Runter mit Khomeini

Im Irak geht es weiter:

Protesters in Iraq's capital and its south shut down streets, schools and government offices Sunday, AFP's correspondents said, escalating the month-long movement demanding change to the country's political system.

In Baghdad, university-age demonstrators parked cars in the middle of main thoroughfares, blocking traffic on the first day of the work week in the Muslim-majority country.

Dienstag, 29.10.2019 / 00:38 Uhr

Tausende protestieren in Bagdad trotz Ausgangssperre

Es geht weiter, nicht nur im Libanon sondern auch dem Irak, wo die Zahl der bei den jüngsten Protesten zu Tode gekommenen inziwschen offiziell auf 75 gestiegen ist.

Thousands of people have continued to pour into the streets of central Baghdad, defying an army-imposed curfew meant to stem anti-government protests in the Iraqi capital.

Mittwoch, 16.10.2019 / 08:39 Uhr

"Atombomben als Geiseln"

Meldungen am Rande:

A US official has revealed that Turkey is holding a total of 50 US nuclear bombs "hostage" at an air base near the border with Syria, adding that Washington has begun the efforts to repatriate them.

After five days of a Turkish offensive against the Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria, US President Donald Trump announced sanctions on Ankara, also demanding that the NATO ally should put an end to its military campaign in Syria.