Freitag, 08.11.2019 / 09:47 Uhr

Syrische Stadt wehrt sich gegen Islamisten

Wie EA berichtet ist es Bewohnern der Kleinstadt Kafr Takharim gelungen, einen Übernahmeversuch der islamistischen Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham abzuwehren:

Pro-opposition outlets say an attempt by HTS convoys to take over Kafr Takharim in northwest Idlib Province, effectively suspending its local council, was prevented by protests on Wednesday.

Some unconfirmed claims even asserted that HTS fighters were killed and wounded in the town, run by a local council which has refused to be taken over by HTS and its “Syrian Salvation Government”.

HTS holds much of Idlib Province after defeating rebel factions in 2017 and 2018. However, other parts remain outside its control, and residents across Idlib and neighboring western Aleppo Province have regularly protested against the bloc and the Salvation Government.

The clashes on Wednesday started, according to pro-opposition activists, when HTS began shelling Kafr Takharim and “several convoys” encircled the town. Opposition sites said at least three civilians were killed and others wounded amid “heavy machine gun fire” by HTS as well as the shelling. (...)

Pro-opposition local sources said the dispute started when HTS tried to collect “zakat” (taxes) on the making of olive oil in the area. Residents said they would give their money to displaced Syrians, overtaking the religious argument of HTS that it was using the zakat to help the needy.