Donnerstag, 27.06.2024 / 23:04 Uhr

Europäische Länder rufen Bürger zur Ausreise aus dem Libanon aus

Angesichts der wachsenden Gefahr eines Krieges zwischen Israel und Hizbollah rufen verschiedene europäische Länder ihre Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur Ausreise aus dem Libanon auf:

Germany and the Netherlands have become the latest countries to call for their citizens to leave Lebanon, amid rising tensions between the Lebanese armed group Iran-backed Hezbollah and Israel, raising fears of a war.

The European nations joined Canada, North Macedonia, and Kuwait in urging their citizens to leave the country amid further escalation on the Lebanon-Israel border.

Germany stated that its citizens “are urgently urged to leave Lebanon” in an updated travel advisory. “The current heightened tensions in the border area with Israel could escalate further at any time,” it said.

“Germans in Lebanon are urgently asked to leave the country. The situation at the border between Israel and Lebanon is very tense,” the German Foreign Ministry said on X.

This came after German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock visited Lebanon, during which she warned that any “miscalculation” could lead to an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah.

“With every rocket fired across the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel, the risk increases that a miscalculation could trigger a hot war,” Ms Baerbock said.