Aus dem Netz

Afrin ist von der türkischen Armee und verbündeten syrischen Milizen eingeschlossen. Über die Lage in der Stadt berichtet NRT:

Already overwhelmed by an influx of displaced families that has strained water and electricity networks, residents of Afrin are bracing for what's next.

"We're afraid of what will happen if the Turks enter Afrin," says Almas Bakr, 23, who took refuge in the city from a heavily shelled border area. 

Ein Mitglied der PYG erklärt in Moskau:

Since Russia controls Syrian airspace, its approval would have been required for Turkey’s airstrikes against the YPG/YPJ forces defending Afrin. Furthermore, the fact that Russia withdrew its troops from Afrin on the eve of the attack by Turkey shows that the deal had been reached between Moscow and Ankara, handing the enclave to the state of Turkey.

Midde East Eye berichtet über eine Aktion von Rasan:

The human rights organisation Rasan is set to cover the walls of their city in new murals, designed to raise awareness of the rights of LGBT people and encourage dialogue within their mainly Sunni Kurdish society.

S. Rifai hat einige Posts von Anhängern Assads und der Hizbollah gesammelt, die kurz vor dem Fall Ostghoutas ihren Vernichtungswünschen freien Lauf lassen. Wer es wissen will, kann es wissen. Eine Auswahl in englischer Übersetzung:

"In Ghouta, I think they should first hunt all the women & rape them, then pour gasoline & burn them all, then they should wipe out all of Ghouta and leave nothing alive"

Über das Scheitern Deutschland in Afghanistan schreibt Wolfgang Bauer ein ernüchterndes Protokoll für die Zeit:

Was die Mehrheit der Iranerinnen im Jahr 2018 eint: Nach 39 Jahren Scharia-Diktatur reicht es ihnen! Mit dem Schleierzwang im Iran, der nicht nur in ihren Augen das Symbol für die Entrechtung der Frauen ist.

Wie es nicht anders zu erwarten war:

The World Health Organisation accused the Syrian government of confiscating supplies from a humanitarian convey headed for the besieged enclave of eastern Ghouta, as Fresh air raids killed 14 in the region overnight.

A WHO official told Reuters on Monday that Syrian government officials removed trauma kits and surgical supplies from trucks that are part of an inter-agency convoy eastern Ghouta.

Aus berufenem Munde:

Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, appeared as a great example of resistance and a fighting image; he never hesitated and stood strong: this is extremely important for a nation,” he added. (...)

Addressing Assad, he said “if you and we, and other elements of resistance stay determined, the enemy cannot accomplish a single thing”.

Letzte Nacht tötete die türkische Luftwaffe erstmals auch mit der YPG-Verbündete Milizionäre des Assad-Regimes:

Turkish air strikes have killed at least 14 fighters deployed by the Syrian government in support of Kurds battling Turkish-led rebels in the northwestern enclave of Afrin, a monitor said Friday.

Heshmat Alawi hat sich das Budget des Iran für 2018 angeschaut:

In a country where its rulers consider ballistic missiles more important than the people having something to eat, it’s only natural that the nation’s money is poured into the pockets of IRGC members and other security personnel.

Russland hat es angekündigt, sie setzen es um: Die in Aleppo erfolgreich angewandte Strategie.

Trying to shift pressure onto the opposition in besieged and bombarded East Ghouta, near Syria’s capital Damascus, Russia is pursuing a version of the strategy used for the capitulation of eastern Aleppo city in December 2016.

Für Qantara erklärt der aus Libyen stammende Autor Autor Faraj Alasha, welche Rolle Tribalismus und Stammesdenken bei der Herausbildung von Despotien in der arabischen Welt spielen: