Freitag, 08.03.2019 / 23:15 Uhr

Aus Assads Gefängnissen

Ein Bericht aus dem Gefängnisalltag in Syrien:

They strip women down and display them in front of others, forcing them to praise Bashar al-Assad. "There are women who are raped every hour by three or five people together," she continues. "They resume raping until the death of the victim and if she gets pregnant, they will kill her baby when she gives birth before her eyes."

The psychiatrist was shocked by the actions of the Syrian regime, especially the "rape of a person just to participate in a demonstration," and asked "Is it possible to kill a 6 month old baby in front of his mother?"

She pointed out that the soldiers of the regime intended to inflict the greatest moral harm on women and to blur their personalities, by assigning a specific number to each of them to call, and stressed the need to provide social and psychological support for women victims of torture in Assad prisons.