Freitag, 24.05.2024 / 17:13 Uhr

Mehrheit der US-Amerikaner unterstützt Israel

Aus einer aktuellen Umfrage, die in Europa wohl zu anderen Ergebnissen geführt hätte:

"Two-thirds of American voters believe there should only be a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war under the condition that all hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power, according to a recent poll by Harvard CAPS/Harris.

The poll covered multiple topics, including views on the country's finances, opinions on Biden, Congress, and views on Trump's presidency.

When asked what the “most important issues facing the country today?” alongside immigration and taxes are, 8% said the Israel-Hamas war, and 4% said antisemitism.

A 73% majority of voters said they were paying close attention to the Israel-Hamas war, 29% of whom said they paid “very close” attention.

In terms of support for either side, 79% supported Israel over Hamas. Demographically, the least amount of support for Israel was in the 18-24 category, with 57% of this group saying they supported Israel over Hamas. In contrast, the group with the highest degree of support for the Jewish state was in the 65+ category, of whom 93% said they supported Israel."