Sonntag, 16.07.2023 / 23:24 Uhr

Neue Anti-Hijab Proteste im Iran

Anti-Hijab Protest in Teheran im Oktober 2022, Bildquelle: Twitter

Am Samstag hat das Regime im Iran bekannt gegeben, dass die verhasste Moral Polizei erneut auf den Straßen des Landes kontrollieren würde, ob Frauen sich auch gesetzeskonform kleiden und benehmen. Zwischenzeitlich hatte es kurz sogar im vergangenen Herbst gehießen, diese Polizei sei aufgelöst, auch wenn im Iran das niemand wirklich glauben mochte.

Zumindest hatte sie sich in den vergangenen Monaten ein wenig zurück gehalten und auf digitale Überwachung gesetzt. Frauen ohne Kopftuch sind derweil zu einem fast alltäglichen Phänomen in der Öffentlichkeit geworden. Damit soll nun Schluss sein:

Iran’s police force announced Sunday that it would be returning “morality police” patrols to the streets in order to enforce hijab laws, after about half a year in which the operations of the force were replaced with cameras and other technological measures.

“Starting from today, with the establishment of car and foot patrols throughout the country, while carrying out numerous police missions, we will inevitably deal with those who, unfortunately, regardless of the consequences of dressing outside of the norm, still insist on breaking the norm, while warning and reminding them that in case of non-compliance with the police’s orders, legal action will be taken and they will be introduced to the judicial system,” said police spokesperson Saeed Montazeral-Mahdi in statements published by Iranian media.

Erste Resultate zeigten sich in Rasht, wie Iran International berichtet:

Images and reports on social media indicate that a large crowd in Rasht, northern Iran have been protesting evening after security forces tried to arrest three women over hijab.


A video received by Iran International shows thousands of people gathered gathered outside the city hall in Rasht after the hijab police tried to whisk away three women. Onlookers intervened and rescued the women. As the news of the incident spread in the city, residents began to gather in the square in protest.

Some tweets say that gunshots were heard and security forces also fired tear gas, but it is too early to verify those reports.