Donnerstag, 06.08.2020 / 23:02 Uhr

Ägyptischer Journalist stirbt im Knast an Corona

Über die Zustände in Ägypten und seinen Knästen, die schon vor Corona ein Alptraum waren:

"I am very sick! I need oxygen therapy. Someone help me! Someone please help me get admitted to the Moneera hospital! I am very sick! Please do something before I completely run out of breath!”
The Egyptian journalist Mohamed Monir panted, short of breath, as he made a plea from his home over Facebook Live on July 7. He called on the Egyptian Journalists Syndicateof which he was a member, to help him find an empty bed in one of Cairo’s quarantine hospitals.
The journalists syndicate came to Monir’s aid, and he was moved to a hospital in Giza the next day, said a person close to Monir who asked not to be named for fear of reprisal. But less than a week later, on July 13, Monir died from complications due to COVID-19. The journalist contracted the disease while he was held in pretrial detention, according to a Facebook post by Monir’s daughter and reports in Al-Jazeera and the independent Egyptian news website Mada Masr.
Monir was a “martyr of the freedom of the press in Egypt,”said one of his colleagues, Abu Al-Maati Al-Sindoubi, in an interview with Al-Jazeera. Over a decades-long career, he covered everything from the 1979 Israel-Egypt peace treaty to the 2011 revolution, Al-Jazeera noted, to his country’s response to coronavirus."