Mittwoch, 22.07.2020 / 10:23 Uhr

Corona-Peak in Israel

Die Jersualem Post meldet:

Israel hit another coronavirus peak on Wednesday: Some 1,977 people tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Tuesday - the highest number in a single day since the start of the crisis.

With just more than 27,000 people screened, the infection rate is over 7%. Another 303 people were diagnosed since midnight.

Currently, there are 31,313 active patients and 22,920 who are recovered - in total, there have been 54,663 people infected with the virus.Senior health officials have expressed concern in recent days that Israel might overwhelm its healthcare system.“We are galloping into the abyss, where we cannot avoid reaching a state where intensive-care units will be at maximum occupancy, and doctors will have to decide who to ventilate and who to let die,” Ben-Gurion University of the Negev professor emeritus Dov Schwartz said Tuesday. “Even if we immediately enact a full closure, we have about three weeks to stop the present situation… We have already burned up all of our reserves with political preoccupation, committees and endless discussions about restaurants, gyms, pools and mikvahs.”