Donnerstag, 16.07.2020 / 09:16 Uhr

Hinrichtungen im Iran vorerst gestoppt

Amirhossein Moradi, Mohammad Rajabi and Saeed Tamjidi


Wie schon oft in der Vergangenheit zeigt sich: Das Regime reagiert auf Druck, auch öffentlichen Druck:

The Iranian authorities are reported to have halted the impending executions of three anti-government protestors, following a social media campaign.

The Persian hashtag #do_not_execute was used 7.5 million times after it was announced on Tuesday that the Supreme Court had upheld their death sentences.

Many celebrities backed the campaign.

A retrial has now been ordered. The three men had been arrested during street protests last November in which hundreds of demonstrators were killed.

Lawyers for the three men also were reportedly told that they could for the first time examine the court papers and evidence against their clients.

Amirhossein Moradi, Mohammad Rajabi and Saeed Tamjidi, who are all reportedly in their 20s, were arrested during November's unrest, which was triggered by the government's decision to raise the price of petrol.

Iran is the world's second most prolific state executioner after China.