Freitag, 13.12.2019 / 08:01 Uhr

Ohne US-Truppen wird der IS wieder kommen

Eine klare und deutliche Warnung:

The US drawdown in Syria means the Islamic State group (ISIS) could re-emerge within six to 12 months, General Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned a congressional committee in Washington on Wednesday.

Milley and Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper both briefed the Armed Services Committee on US goals and plans in the Middle East to ensure national security and the enduring defeat of ISIS.

“My assessment at this point is that if we do not retain a capability, an intelligence capability that allows us to collect and see and then act with a strike capability on ISIS in Syria then the conditions for re-emergence of ISIS will happen,” Milley told US lawmakers.

“It will take some time. It will probably take maybe six to 12 months, something like that. But ISIS would re-emerge if the United States went to zero,” he added.

The geographical ‘caliphate’ created by ISIS across Syria and Iraq has been defeated by the coalition working with the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). 

However, remnants of the group remain at large – many of them concentrated in the Lower Euphrates Valley, Milley explained.

“In order to provide for the enduring defeat, and working by, with, and through allies and partners, Iraqi Security Forces in Iraq and the SDF in Syria, that enables us to continue to maintain intelligence collection and strike capabilities to continue to rip apart the remnants of what is ISIS,” he said. 

“If we fail to do that, ISIS will re-emerge. The conditions will come back, and they will re-emerge as a capable threat to the region and our interest.”