Sonntag, 10.11.2019 / 13:11 Uhr

Mehr als 60 Krankenhäuser in Syrien bombardiert

Meldungen, die es kaum noch in die Schlagzeilen schaffen. Geht schließlich nur um ein paar Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien:

Russia and the Assad regime have bombed more than 60 medical facilities in northwest Syria since launching an offensive in late April, according to the UN.

UN human rights spokesman Rupert Colville told reporters on Friday that 61 facilities have been struck, some several times, across Idlib and northern Hama Provinces. (...)

Several of the medical facilities have been bombed despite passing coordinates to militaries, including the Russians, to ensure that they were not attacked.

Russia and the Assad regime have also targeted power plants, water facilities, at least 87 schools, and markets in the offensive on the last major opposition area of Syria, which is home to more than 3 million people — about 20% of Syria’s remaining population.

The head of the UN’s humanitarian agency, Mark Lowcock, has decried “a bombing campaign aimed at a scorched-earth policy”. The UN’s human rights head Michelle Bachelet detailed the “war crimes” and criticized the “failure of leadership by the world’s most powerful nations” with their “collective shrug”.

Colville emphasized that the hospitals and clinics appeared to have been deliberately targeted, in what would amount to war crimes.