Montag, 06.04.2020 / 22:13 Uhr

Über 100.000 Corona Fälle im Nahen Osten

Inzwischen hat die Zahl der registrierten Corona Fälle im Nahen Osten die 100.000 überschritten, wobei die Dunkelziffer vor allem im Iran und Syrien weit höher sein dürfte:

Confirmed coronavirus cases across the Middle East increased to 107,000 on Tuesday morning. As recently as March 27 there were fewer than 50,000 cases.The largest number have been in Iran, where there are now more than 58,000 cases, according to officials, or more than half of the region’s total. Turkey has 27,000 cases. Israel has the third-most registered cases with 8,600. (...)

Iran is not the only major center of COVID-19. Turkey has seen a rapid increase in the virus as well, and Istanbul has become a hot spot. This is partly due to the country also trying to pretend it was “virus-free” in early March.Turkey is expanding testing and trying to control the threat. Like in Iran, the virus may cut down on Turkey’s constant military attacks on neighbors, including invasions of northern Syria and attacks on Iraq.