Freitag, 10.04.2020 / 14:10 Uhr

Saudi Arabien: 150 Royals and Corona erkrankt?

Auch auf Saudi Arabien hat die Corona Krise schwere Auswirkungen:



(Bildquelle: Saudisches Gesundheitsministerium)

As many as 150 members of the Saudi Arabian royal family may have been infected with coronavirus, according to a new report.

The infections are supposedly a key element in the Saudi decision to announce a ceasefire in Yemen, where Riyadh has been battling Iran-backed Houthi rebels on behalf of the country's deposed president since 2015.

According to The New York Times, as many as 150 Saudi royals are believed to have contracted the virus, including members of the lesser branches of the extensive family. The Times cited a person close to the family as giving the information. Newsweek has contacted the Saudi government and its embassy in Washington, D.C. for comment.

Saudi Arabia reported its first coronavirus case six weeks ago. There have now been 2,932 confirmed cases in the kingdom, with 41 deaths and 631 recoveries, according to Johns Hopkins University.