Dienstag, 21.04.2020 / 21:51 Uhr

Hinrichtungen nach Gefängnisausbrüchen im Iran

Viel geht dieser Tage nicht mehr im Iran, aber Hinrichten das können sie noch immer:

The Islamic Republic of Iran executed a second Kurdish prisoner, Shayan Saeedpour, who escaped from prison in late March in connection with the coronavirus pandemic spreading in Iranian penitentiaries.The Kurdish news outlet Rudaw reported on Tuesday that “Shayan Saeedpour was among 74 inmates who escaped Saqqez prison in Iran’s Kurdistan province on March 27 after clashing with the guards.”

Rudaw wrote “Jails across the country saw deadly riots in recent weeks among inmates fearful of contracting the coronavirus inside Iran’s overcrowded prisons. “Iranian authorities have captured most of the prisoners. Nine prisoners are still on the run.According to Rudaw, “Saeedpour was executed at Saqqez prison in the early hours of Tuesday morning, one of his relatives told Hengaw, a Kurdish human rights organization.”Rudaw reported Saeedpour was sentenced to death for first degree murder and to 80 lashes for drinking alcohol. Iran’s regime alleged that he murdered Soleiman Azadi during an argument in 2015 when he 17-years-old.