Sonntag, 22.03.2020 / 22:22 Uhr

Libanon: Televised Revolution

Im Libanon gehen die Proteste auch zu Corona-Zeiten weiter, allerdings in anderer Form. derweil erklärt die Regierung, sie werden die fälligen Eurobond Anleihen nicht zurück zahlen.

Lebanese Revolution TV, began testing on Feb. 17 as the first online channel dedicated to news on the popular movement that took root Oct. 17 to protest deteriorating living conditions, government ineptitude and political and economic corruption. The channel is expected to launch in about two months.

The online channel will feature interview and opinion programs on the movement's goals and demands along with news reports on living conditions and social and political issues. The programs will be posted to Facebook, YouTube and the channel's own website. Since the medium involved is an electronic platform, no license is required, but those behind the channel must notify the National Media Council of the channel's existence.

Matilda Farjallah, a journalist and television host, came up with the idea for the channel along with a group of young journalists and technicians, all of whom are working as volunteers. Friends of Farjallah donated the equipment, office and studio space.

“Many people contacted me, wanting to volunteer and join the team,” Farjallah told Al-Monitor. “We are currently 10 people, and that is enough for now.”