Dienstag, 28.01.2020 / 13:42 Uhr

Gedenken an den Holocaust im Irak


(Holocaust Gedenktag in Irakisch-Kurdistan 2017, Bild: University of Hewler)


Aus der Jerusalem Post:

Across Iraq voices from all the communities of the diverse country have posted about Holocaust Memorial Day. Kurdistan region President Nechirvan Barzani tweeted that Holocaust Memorial Day is a “reminder that our humanity has come a long way to stop and think about victims of that genocide.”Yazidi activist Nadia Murad, who was kidnapped by ISIS and members of her family killed by the extremists, said that genocide impacts generations. “We must keep the memory of those killed alive by striving to make never again a reality.”

In addition members of Iraq’s Christian minority posted messages of support during the memorial day. One woman wrote about visiting a Holocaust memorial and the impact it had on her. “Everyone has a right to live in dignity and be appreciated.”

The growing recognition of the Holocaust across Iraq and among leading voices is representative of a general outpouring of recognition in the Islamic world. For years because anti-Israel views tended to propagandize that recognition of the Holocaust was also a form of support for Israel, the Shoah was considered a controversial subject in the region.