Sonntag, 16.06.2019 / 13:28 Uhr

Feuer im Sinjar

Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad on Tuesday expressed her concerns about the recent wildfires in Iraq’s Nineveh and how the flames may destroy mass graves where evidence of the so-called Islamic State’s genocide against the Yezidi (Ezidi) minority is being gathered.

According to Murad, the fired across farmlands in Iraq, especially in Nineveh governorate, have burned some of the 79 mass graves that contain the remains of Ezidis who suffered genocide at the hands of the terror group in Sinjar (Shingal).


Farmers crop field burned in Iraq's Sinjar



Over 30,730 acres of farmland have been burned in less than one month in a recent wave of fire incidents across 11 provinces in Iraq, according to data provided by the Iraqi Ministry of Agriculture.

“There have been wildfires, including in my hometown Kojo, and some of the mass graves were burned. We don’t know how many,” Murad told Reuters on Tuesday.

 “All these innocent people killed, and for the past five years we’ve failed to bring justice for them,” she added. “Now that the mass graves are burned, we fear that the evidence will disappear.
