Sonntag, 21.07.2024 / 23:34 Uhr

Hamas: LGBT töten

Immer wieder stößt die israelische Armee auf Papiere und Direktiven der Hamas. Darunter solche, die sich mit Frage beschäftigen, was mit LGBT zu geschehen habe.

Die Antwort lautet: Tod.

The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) have uncovered a treasure trove of Hamas intelligence, consisting of stacks of documents, files, and computers, including guidelines on what to do if someone is suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community and a phrasebook of Hebrew words to help terrorists communicate in Hebrew, which included phrases such as "Take off your clothes." (...)

The official documents of Hamas's "rulebook" reveal brutal behavior against anyone suspected of belonging to the LGBTQ community.

Additionally, documentation of interrogations and testimonies about aggressive questioning focused solely on sexual preferences and orientations was found, indicating that those suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community faced a single fate – death.